To Whom It May Concern: Why The Witch Matters
The definition of a witch is "a woman believed to have magical powers."
So far, so good, right?
The sheer magnitude of power that women hold as creators of life, has always evoked big fear or deep reverence. And while it's exciting that we've evolved past burning women at the stake (well–literally speaking at least), most of us have come to understand that there is a certain "magic" about an energetic being- regardless of gender. And since we're more than just a bag of skin/bones–that makes us energetic beings.
Imagine your witch as the magic in you. The one with a spirit- an energetic body. And whether your higher power is the universe, God, the higher self, the divine, mama earth- she's there and she's the one who knows in her bones that she's a part of something meaningful and vast. I've had a witch in me for as long as I can remember but I can't say I've allowed her a leading role until recently.
Safe to say, we all have dimensions that we keep in the closet.
For a long time, mine was was my spiritual side. The one who just had to know why tears well up in child's pose (because emotions are stored in the hips). The one who knew she was deeply connected to something bigger (secretly subscribing to the notion of a higher self). She had her fair share of religious trauma so wasn't super excited to claim "spirituality" in a public way or even re-introduce the word "god". But my spiritual dimension kept growing deeper, wider, and increasingly harder to hide/downplay in my oh-so-mainstream work, relationships and life. People who loved me well joked about my inner hippie and my witchy alter ego. But mostly just due to the frequent smudging, mala wearing and the occasional chakra reference. For the most part, I showed up to the world, leading with the ambitious dimension. Driven, independent, poised, polished and endlessly busy. I had a very high opinion of what those qualities told the world about me, so I kept the witch in the closet. She was a liability (for obvious reasons). She was easily misunderstood as naive, superstitious, unintelligent...simple. I couldn't have her creating confusion around the carefully curated brand.
Truth is, that witch carried me through the most high stress, high stakes moments in my life by keeping me connected to my soul when it felt like everything was out to sever it.
That carefully hidden witch was my source of clarity and peace
but often felt distant because how helpful could she be from inside the closet?
This dimension mattered so much because she represented the magic, the god–the whole damn universe–in me. The one that didn't have to prove anything, whose value wasn't in her quarterly numbers and whose worth had nothing to do with the opinions around her.
Now let's be clear. You do NOT have to be building altars and setting intentions on the new moon to honor your witch.
You can simply acknowledge that there is a part of you that longs for peace and purpose. One that is rooted in the truth of who you are before anyone told you what a good mother or manager or friend or wife or woman had to look and act like.
Your witch might be interested in astrology and phases of the moon–not because its trendy or "on brand" but because she's the part of you that longs to give your logical mind the freaking break it needs. She asks you to counter the constant over analyzing by pausing to acknowledge what actually feels right and resonant in your energetic being. Because hell, if the moon governs every single body of water- why would your body of water be the one exception? Maybe she knows that the feminine is lunar and meant to cycle through phases of darkness and reflection (new moon vibes) as well as big, bold powerful moments of joy and massive impact (full moon vibes).
Your witch might just love the idea of a ritual before bed that looks like a candle, some lavender oil and connection with what you're grateful for. Because she thinks you deserve 5 min of dwelling in something sweet instead of triggering binges on email and social media.
Your witch might love crystals because she feels the transmission of energy and uses them to cultivate a practice of intentionality.
Maybe your witch likes to listen to gangster rap while she meal preps because that's how she get's down with self love.
Her interests tend to freak other people out because they don't understand them. Good news is they don't have to.
Your witch is the one who respects your intuition when your fear wants to silence it. She's the honest one that has no pretense. Usually the one who reminds you that your life is a miracle and that tomorrow isn't promised. She's also the one who gives you permission to be witnessed as you actually are, beneath all the ways you strive to be seen.
That's why the witch in you matters so much. She gives way less fucks about the external opinions. Her only concern is connecting you to your own clarity, creativity and big magic.
If you're like me, you've become a master of keeping your complex dimensions in the closet. You probably believe that by segregating the different pieces of who you are (the successful one, the spiritual one, the mother one, the independent one), you'll be be more respected by colleagues, clients, in laws and every person following you on social media. The double-life thing is a thing we do out of convenience. We make our storefront less complicated so that people don't have to think too hard, or ask meaningful questions, or grow to their own edges.
What if your spiritual dimension entered the boardroom with you? Maybe your voice wouldn't shake because you're connected to the steady truth of who you are rather than the predictable posturing.
What if you let the mother in you participate in your management style? Maybe you would be leading a team of humans who feel connected and supported rather than obligated and defensive.
What if she showed up in your relationships? That would take guts because some wouldn't get it. But maybe others would be curious about how you stay grounded yet in a constant state of growth. Maybe there would be more vulnerable, human moments in your days and your communities. That would definitely take more guts.
One of my very first teachers always said, "MAGIC TAKES GUTS". That's because most of us keep our magic in the closet and go about our one-dimensional lives.
But there's a witch in you who knows you are nothing short of magic with endless dimensions of potential.
What I know for sure, is that when we segregate the dimensions of who we are, the complexity of our gifts gets diluted.
What we present is palatable and comfortable but it's not authentic. And it's far less powerful than we was designed to be. It's when we get the guts to show up as our whole selves, to stand at the intersection of our many dimensions, that all the magic can finally start to happen.
This is your Sunday reminder to show up as your whole self this week.
You are exquisite, complicated and boundlessly powerful.